Workout Challenge to Stay Fit During the Holdiays

The holiday season can be a hectic time.  Whether you are shopping for presents, traveling home, or wanting to unwind during a break from work, it is still important to stay active! Starting a good exercise routine at the end of the year will set your fitness goals off on the right foot heading into the New Year.  We believe in starting January with momentum.  Using the last week or two of 2020 to put your goals in motion.  

Our challenge will focus on being active at least 30 minutes each day, five times per week. It is important to unwind during the holidays and let your body recover, so we are giving you two days off for this challenge but you are welcome to continue to exercise on your off days!

Day 1:

The first active day will be focused on preparing your body for the entire week. A well-balanced workout will not push your body too hard at first but also keeps it active enough for workouts later in the week.

A good 30 minute workout from Men's Journal is (modified slightly) listed here.  It can be done using body weight and 2 sets of dumbbells, lighter and heavier.  If you haven't worked out with weights try the challenge just using your body weight.

Total-Body Warmup (X2)

Prisoner Squats (20-30 seconds) ("Prisoner" means will your hands on each side of your hide like a prisoner.)
Elevated Pushups, one hand on a dumbbell (15 seconds on each side)
Prisoner Reverse Lunges (20 seconds on each side)

Metabolic Resistance Training Round 1 (X3)

Regular Squats (20 seconds each side, 20 seconds rest in between)

Dumbbell Chest Press (40 seconds, 20 seconds of rest)

Pullups or Dumbbell Chest-Supported Rows (40 seconds, 20 seconds of rest)

Metabolic Resistance Training Round 2 (X3)

Front Squats with Barbell (40 seconds, no rest)

Dumbbell Incline Press (40 seconds, NO rest)

Regular Dumbbell Rows (40 seconds on each side)

Total-Body Finisher (X1)

Total-Body Extensions (20 seconds, 10-second rest, 20 seconds, 10-second rest)

Regular Pushups (20 seconds, 10-second rest, 20 seconds, 10-second rest)

Alternating Lunges (20 seconds, 10-second rest, 20 seconds, 10-second rest)

Burpees (20 seconds, 10-second rest, 20 seconds, 10-second rest)

Day 2:

The next day you should try doing something new! Exploring a new running route will make for a good and exciting cardio exercise. Aim for 30 minutes of running to meet the challenge goal but if that is too long try adding a walk or some stretching to get up to 30 minutes. If you're in New York City here are some of the best jogging routes that you can try!

Day 3: 

During the holidays you may be away from home but there are ways to stay active without a gym or home equipment. Coach Magazine gives a good workout routine to try that doesn't require any workout equipment. The workout is four repeated circuits with 90 seconds of rest in between.

30 Seconds of Mountain Climbers

30 Seconds of Squat Jumps

45 Seconds of Bicycle Crunches

30 Seconds of Reverse Lunges

30 Seconds of Press-Ups

45 Seconds of Star Jumps

Day 4:

Give your body a day off with a more relaxing exercise routine. You don't have to push yourself to the limit everyday that you are active, it can be a day to recharge for the remainder of the week. Go for a long walk, stretch or look here for some of our favorite yoga poses to try.

Day 5:

On the last day, an exercise to really push yourself will make you feel proud of completing the challenge. Putting in the hard work will feel extra rewarding after the difficult workout on the last day. Make sure to stretch out before and after while staying hydrated. Our favorite way to stay hydrated is the cucumber lemon at Recoup! Doing this 45-minute circuit workout is for the last day. Repeat each set for 15 minutes before taking a 2 minute break before starting the next set.

Set 1:

15 Burpees

20 Reverse Lunges

10 Push-Ups

30 Crunches

10 Tricep Dips

Set 2:

30 Seconds of Mountain Climbers

30 Squats

10 Overhead Shoulder Presses

20 Bicycle Crunches

45 Second Plank

Set 3:

30 Seconds Jumping Jacks

30 Lateral Lunges

30 Bicep Curls

20 Reverse Crunches

10 Plank Hip Dips


What are some ways you stay active during the holidays? Let us know at

By: Will Stapleton